Box of our Memories (BooM)
Adult Education Programme Caring for Memory Loss
Reminiscence therapy is the use of life histories – written, oral, or both – to improve psychological well-being, especially with older persons. There is broadening evidence of the efficacy of non-medicinal interventions to alleviate the stressful effects of dementia, in particular the positive stimulus of interacting with music and digitally mediated imagery.
BooM aims to improve the availability of reminiscence-based, digital, informal adult education interventions for seniors. The project does this through the creation of a rich media online memory box, and extending the necessary knowledge, skills and competences for adult educators working in diverse fields from informal carers and family members, to volunteers and educational staff working in museums and archives.
Active Citizens Exploring Culture (ACE Culture)
“Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and culture and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.”
Many countries have identified the arts, cultural and heritage as a strategic resource for a sustainable development, acknowledging their social dimension and underlining the importance of engaging with different stakeholders. They also recognize the importance of transparent governance and participatory systems to be shared with the people to whom arts, culture and heritage ultimately belong.
ACE Culture has the objective of extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel such as archivists, artists, museum, and heritage professionals. The aim is to support adult education in Community Learning Environments, working with local people with an interest in gaining new skills on influencing inclusion in their community. These ‘Cultural Mediators’ act as a bridge between the ‘expert’ and the neighbourhood.
Strengthening digital readiness giving voice to ALL pupils
With the school closures during the Covid-19 pandemic, social inequality in education became more evident as one of the most challenging problems in many EU countries. It became clear that digital teaching can increase educational inequalities and social exclusion. This is especially hard for disadvantaged students. DigiEdu4All looks at how this exclusion can be avoided and how all students can be addressed and included. The project consortium developed tools and pedagogical answers to reduce the negative impacts of distance learning on educational equity, but - going beyond that - it aims to perceive digital education as an opportunity to think out of the box and include new competencies and skills of students into the school practice.
TOGETHER to get there
31% of people aged 11-17 admit to having seen hate messages online targeting people for their skin colour, nationality or religion.
Youth work can help to prevent and counter hate speech and misinformation online among young people. But due to the rapid pace of social interaction in the digital environment, it can be a big challenge to keep up with what young people are engaging with and being exposed to.
The Erasmus+ funded TOGETHER project aims to provide youth workers with training opportunities on innovative youth work methods and practice, responding to their need to be better equipped in managing youth programmes for media literacy, prevention of hate speech and promotion of tolerance online.
Read More
Connecting students through shared interests to develop a love for reading.
ReadTwinning aims to address the ongoing need for effective strategies and tools to promote reading among young people, bridging school activities with personal interests and fostering social connections across students of different classes, schools, cultures and countries.
Through the use of an innovative platform, students can match with other students who share similar interests and hobbies. Using 'Reading Tandems' they can decide upon a book to read together, document their reading experience and share multimedia about the book. The platform is supported by comprehensive Methodology Guidelines, 50 Lesson Plans for teachers, and 2 online Courses.
Stairway to SDG
Stairway to SDG aims to inspire vocational educators and students to find practical ways in which to contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The struggle to internalise the complex ideas and concepts of Agenda 2030 indicates the necessity to simplify these goals as much as possible into everyday sustainable practices. It should be clear that everyone is responsible for the outcome of the great challenge we face in our times (caused by our own actions).
Gryd leads the technical aspects of the project, developing an information platform for Vocational Educators and a barometer App for students to measure their sustainability and offer advice on improving this.
The Living Book
The Living Book combines reading and digital creativity to promote a love for reading among 9-15 year-old students.
Inspired by the Internet of Things, which refers to the possibility of connecting the internet to the world of physical objects, the project wants to connect the physical book to the digital world to turn it into a ‘Living Book’. An intense-lived experience for young readers who can participate, transform and augment what they are reading, thus applying digital competences, collaborating with peers, developing reading skills and, ultimately, being more engaged in book reading.
The Living Library is the hub of The Living Book project. Created by Gryd, it brings the concept of Augmented/Enhanced Reading to life!
Grandmas Story
Stories and memories of migration and integration of an older generation of women, the “Grandmothers”, are seldom collected or retold. Male immigrants may be credited for their contribution to their host countries development, through their hard work often in mundane or physically demanding work. The grandmothers played an equally important role in this contribution, by raising families and in some instances whilst working full time. They are not however given the same credit for their role in the story of migration and integration. Through engaging young people of migrant or refugee background in their local community to record and share such stories, the project aims to develop key skills in interpretation, heritage and media, in a setting of migration, tolerance and diversity.
The project team is developing comprehensive high-quality training material and guidelines for youth workers which will extend and develop their competence in working with young migrants and refugees in intercultural environments. An online platform will be used to curate and share the stories along with pop-up exhibitions in each partner country.
Robotics for Schools
Robotics for Schools is a European Union Erasmus+ project which helps bridge the gap between learners, teachers and curriculum planners in Robotics education.
Gryd is providing research into robotics education, creating an eLearning course for educators and has developed the project’s website. Robotics for Schools compares good practice, implementation and planning for Robotics in schools, and develops teaching material for all age ranges of school education. The project brings together partners with expertise in education and the application of Robotics from across northern Europe.
Digital Futures
The challenge Digital Futures set itself was to explore ways of involving stakeholders, including members of the general public, in the policy creation process through Foresight. The project engaged with 3500 people online through the ‘Futurium’ website and at live events to co-create visions and futures for Europe. The propositions were grouped into themes, desktop research was carried out and strengthened through backcasting workshops. Final analysis was carried, a report written and toolkit created for politicians and policy makers.